Censorship is (has been) on the rise. In its current form it is masquerading as “freedom from expressions of intolerance.” Advocates of doublethink have given “censorship” the special newspeak treatment. Orwell would be impressed, maybe a little.

If you can’t suppress freedom of speech with a straight face, then shift the focus to that other great constitutional right, freedom not to hear.  No, it isn’t a constitutional right, but there seems to be an implicit push to make it one. Those that now have power in the secular pulpits want only their message out.

Now on the American college campus especially the muzzles are being passed out by a secular clergy that issues language commandments and preaches threats for speech sins. There used to be a passion for the principle of freedom of speech, especially on the university campus.

The once vocal Free Speech Movement of the 1960s has lost its voice.

Here are some recent noteworthy headlines.

University of California considering recognizing a “right” to be “free from … expressions of intolerance”  (University of California)

Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’ (Washington State University)

Students will be marked down if they write ‘mankind’ in North Carolina State women’s studies class (North Carolina State University)

University language guide advises against ‘policeman,’ ‘mailman’ and other ‘man-made’ words (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

This control is necessary to promote and establish a new morality and worldview in the mind of the next generation of society’s leaders.

But it’s not all bad news out there. Some Duke students recently showed the way. They actually spoke out early.

Duke students boycott ‘pornographic’ reading assignment (Duke University)

They were wise to express at the outset their lack of interest in that literature rather than remain silent and have its worldview enshrined as the new normal.  They would certainly have been marked as purveyors of “expressions of intolerance” if they later expressed any disapproval of the lifestyle portrayed in the book. And not only have the Duke students exercised their freedom of speech, they have also beaten the powers-that-be to the punch.  They got out front in exercising that new “freedom from expressions of intolerance” – the intolerance for their religious convictions expressed through the selected text.

We are not yet where France is.  But best to speak up while one can.

French far-right leader to face trial for inciting racial hatred.


  1. As usual, spot on, Craig. I like your analysis: liberal speech police = censorship.


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